Monday, 11 April 2011

Second day sideways plait and some nice colours on the floor.


Claudia said...

your blog is looking lovely...great pictures. really enjoy the trip35 blog-might do a wee post on it! hope you are well and happy. x

danielle said...

Thank you Claudia, I am well and happy :) Yeah I found that blog through flickr. I guess it's silly to assume pictures taken with a certain camera will all be good. But i think the trip35 is such a nice unpretentious camera that everyone seems to have because their parents dug it out the attick. And it was originally for travelling. Before tourists stuck big SLRs on their bellies.


Claudia said...

i just received a package from ebay - the trip35 camera! i was looking for a nice, simple, portable film camera to take with me to italy and after your post, (espesh about how it's good for travelling) i deceided to get one...don't know if it works yet, as it's obv second hand..but we'll see! thanks for the inspriation x

danielle said...

Cool :)